Le 25 Mai 2010 SOLEIL recevait le biologiste moléculaire Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, l’un des trois Prix Nobel de Chimie 2009. Ce Prix a récompensé son travail sur la structure 3D des ribosomes, nano-machines présentes dans toutes les cellules vivantes et qui fabriquent les protéines. Des recherches qui peuvent uniquement être menées sur synchrotron.
On 25 May 2010, SOLEIL welcomed Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, molecular biologist, who is one of the 2009 Chemistry Nobel laureate. The prize honoured his work about the 3D structure of ribosomes, huge molecules that exist in each living cell and synthesize the proteins. This kind of research can only be carried out on synchrotrons.
On 25 May 2010, SOLEIL welcomed Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, molecular biologist, who is one of the 2009 Chemistry Nobel laureate. The prize honoured his work about the 3D structure of ribosomes, huge molecules that exist in each living cell and synthesize the proteins. This kind of research can only be carried out on synchrotrons.