Porn Filter | Porn Blocker | Porn Addiction | Sex Addiction

  • 14 years ago -- Get detailed information on Porn Block here. A complete guide on Block Porn absolutely free!

Internet pornography is not only affecting our children... it's affecting many adults too!

MyPornBlocker is The Best Adult Filtering Content Application of it's Kind!

Benefits of using MyPornBlocker:
• Keeps track and checks the content of every web-page your child browses through in the Internet
• Finds some obscene content (characteristic of pornography, violence, religious sects, etc.), it will immediately block viewing such pages
• Complete software package that is integrated in all browsers
• Providing safe Internet access for all children
• Filter the content of every visited and viewed page - EVERY TIME!
• Can be used on computer networks
• Easy on/off functionality
• Filter the content provided by any Internet Service Provider (ISP) anywhere in the world where the Internet is available

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