A Green Christmas!

  • 14 years ago
http://www.ecobold.com/blogs/106-green-holidays This green holidays we'd like to say have a Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year. I'd like to specially thank everyone for their support throughout the year, for every kind comment or word of encouragement, thank you so much! Ecobold has come a long way and has many great things cooking for you. In this video we give you two ideas for sustainable holiday gift ideas: #1 green gift idea: Type a nice letter saying how much everyone in your life is important to you, tell what you appreciate the most about them, what you admire the most and what you'll never forget that they've done for you (maybe picking you up at 3am at a bar when you were crying over being dumped by your ex?!). How many people usually get this kind of letter? Not too many! Why not start this trend that sends good messages to the world? #2 green gift idea: if you're not that sentimental, just give them a gift certificate valid for a "how to party" where you'll teach everyone your favorite hobby, be it knitting, be it making wine or beer or just teaching a dog how to sit! Imagine what a great time you'll have with all kinds of friends?! We have a few shout-outs to several people that were really kind to us this year, I'm sure we're forgetting some but please forgive me and comment here so I can put you in the next shout-out. Green companies shout-out: they're the ones who retweeted our tweet that said: Attention all green companies! Retweet this and you'll be included in Ecobold Xmas video shout out!! Have a great green holiday season and make sure to subscribe for our newsletter to keep up to date with every video here: http://www.ecobold.com/one_million_trees_project