"MACACA" cost Sen Allen the race?

  • 18 years ago
Update: Well the elections are over, and it looks like Sen George Allen lost to Dem Jim Webb. Bravo to the youth who came to the polls at a high 60 % Go us! your voices were obviously heard this Election! Democrats took the lead....Congratulations to all parties.

Here is a reluctant report from CNN network of the incident during Allen's campaign when he made a racial slur to an American student. Thank God it wasn't a foreign student or we might be at war with yet another country.....

This is a really fun website, I think it has just about every word that you can't find in any English dictionary....


1. Macaca

A racial slur used by Senator George Allen, which literally means "monkey." Recently used by the Senator while campaigning in Virginia.

While campaigning, Senator George Allen made the following remark about one of his constituents -- an Indian American UVA student who was born and raised in Virginia, who was filming the event: "This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent... Lets give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia."

tags macaca mohawk george allen politics campaigns racist ignorant slur monkey

by A N N A Washington, D.C. Aug 14, 2006 email it

permalink: del.icio.us

2. macaca
115 up, 34 down

Common French racist slur. Meaning and use is similar to English 'nigger,' and is used to described non-European (Arab and Black) North Africans. It was in particularly prevelant use during French occupation of Northern Africa. The term has been showing up with increasing frequency as a racial slur on racist websites and chatrooms.

In considering the controvery of whether Senator George Allen truly knew the meaning of the word in his infamous August 11, 2006 outburst, it is significant to note that his mother and numerous relatives are ethnic French expatriates of Tunisia in North Africa.

"This fellow here, over here with the yellow shirt, macaca, or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent. He's following us around everywhere. And it's just great . . . Let's give a welcome to macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia." -- Sen George Allen refering to S.D. Sidarth while campaingning in rural Virginia, Ausgust 20006.
tags sidarth george allen virginia racist slur nigger
by Bill Peters Maryland Aug 16, 2006 email it
3. Macaca
59 up, 28 down

The second largest Genus of the order Primate. The largest being the homo Genus which includes the sapiens species (you and me).

Excuse me sir but my taxonomy is off a bit. Do you know the genus of that monkey over there?

Why yes...I belive it is of the genus Macaca.
tags macaca maccaca macacca monkey genus
by Brian F DC Aug 15, 2006 email it
4. Macaca
94 up, 82 down

An ethnic slur popularized by George Allen and aimed at Asian-Americans. This cheap racial epithet is, as Allen would say, based on "positive and constructive ideas."

SO "Welcome to America!"

www.youtube.com/watch?v=9 G7gq7GQ71c

"Lets give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia," said Senator Allen, of the only non-anglo person in the crowd watching his speech. The senator then began talking about the "war on terror."
tags racial slurs/ethnic slurs idiot peckerwood asshole george allen
by wtfer ATX Aug 14, 2006 email it
5. Macaca
56 up, 49 down

According to Daily Show correspondent Rob Cordry, Macaca is a small European country, whose inhabitants "never look back", they are so happy to leave.

Stewart: "Where exactly IS Macaca?"
Cordry: "Right next to YA PEE-PEE"
tags racial slur europe george allen daily show john stewart
by Bill Peters Maryland Aug 16, 2006 email it
6. macaca
30 up, 47 down

A monkey from Southeast Asia that carries the Herpes-B virus in over 90% of its population. It is also a carrier of the Simian Foamy Virus which is believed to be the originating source of HIV/AIDS.

Apparently George Allen from Virginia, a United States Senator, believed it was appropriate to equate a supporter of his opponent with this primate that may be responsible for the AIDS epidemic. It is also a very popular racial slur in countries like France where George Allen's mom is from.

"He must have Herpes and HIV since he is a Macaca. Perhaps I'll send a message to my opponent by calling his cameraboy one of these."

"Hello, I am in the Ku Klux Klan and I hate black people, or as racist bigots such as myself like to call them, Macaques."

tags racism aids hiv george allen herpes
by Juggernaut Bitch! San Torum, CA Aug 18, 2006 email it
7. Macaca
43 up, 72 down

An epithet originally used in Nevada to describe dark-skinned people, especially popular in dude ranches and white supremacist neo-conferderate circles. Popularized by Sen. George Allen (R-VA).

"As long as I have some whites, I don't need the damned Macaca vote to win." -Sen. George Allen
tags macaca george felix allen virginia racism felix
by Francisx Ashburn, VA Aug 15, 2006 email it
