What is the best way to get rid of tonsil stones?

  • 14 years ago

What is the best way to get rid of tonsil stones?

One of the ways of getting rid of tonsil stones is to remove them manually.

This can be either done by fingers or q-tips to push back the tonsils so that the stones come out.

Another way is to spray water using a water irrigator device called water jet.

Use with low pressure settings at a proper position to avoid pushing the stone back to the tonsils.

Sometimes this method can tear the tonsil tissue if not used appropriately.

Regular gargling can also loosen the stones.

One of the best ways of getting rid of tonsil stones is by consulting a specialist and seeking medical help since the methods you try out may sometimes cause harm.

One of the permanent ways of getting rid of tonsil stones is by undergoing tonsillectomy in case the problem is very severe.

Another alternative option is laser cryptolysis in which the tonsils are burned by laser.

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