• hace 14 años
Más información en http://www.musicacopyleft.es/profile/BILLS

Videoclip del tema "Evolution International Girl"

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Bill´s, short for Billy Avila.

Bill´s was brought up in the beautiful island of Roatan, Honduras. He has always had a passion for music, from a very early age he dreamed of one day to become a music performer. in search of that dream he went on and tried his first demo at the age of 15 in a small studio on the island of Roatan, but later he went on a greater opportunity search in the music world and decided to record in one of most prestigious recording studio of Honduras: Zion Studio (Neptune) and Ixabalank Music. Unlike other Singers of Honduras Bills is working on winning the hearts of his beautiful island of Roatan and the rest of Honduras to after Winn the others.

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