Norman Greenbaum est un chanteur-compositeur-interprète né le 20 Novembre 1942 à Malden, Massachusetts. Il a étudié la musique à l'Université de Boston. Greenbaum est mieux connu pour sa chanson "Spirit in the Sky", qui a vendu deux millions d'exemplaires en 1969 et 1970. La chanson, avec sa combinaison de «lourd» de guitare, de la main-clapping, paroles et spirituelle a été un moment mémorable hit wonder. La chanson a été utilisée dans de nombreux films, publicités et émissions de télévision.
Norman Greenbaum is a singer-songwriter born November 20, 1942 in Malden, Massachusetts. He studied music at Boston University. Greenbaum is best known for his song "Spirit In The Sky", which sold two million copies in 1969 and 1970. The song, with its combination of 'heavy' guitar, hand-clapping, and spiritual lyrics was a memorable one hit wonder. The song was used in many movies, commercials and television shows.
Norman Greenbaum is a singer-songwriter born November 20, 1942 in Malden, Massachusetts. He studied music at Boston University. Greenbaum is best known for his song "Spirit In The Sky", which sold two million copies in 1969 and 1970. The song, with its combination of 'heavy' guitar, hand-clapping, and spiritual lyrics was a memorable one hit wonder. The song was used in many movies, commercials and television shows.
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