• 14 years ago
Music used- The_Go!_TeaM_Everyone's_a_VIP_to_someone(Gender_mix)
check them out they are super awesome!

This is a leveled message with a social context.

1st level- simple non-associative identification, used to release needed signification of two technics- men's beginning as a thick form withth white ornamental and woman's beginning as a thin firm of lines with black thin forms.

2nd level- associative identification supporting images of previous level. Giving certain thoughts to make recipient understand certain ideas about social state of men and women.

3rd level- associative+ factological level. Gives a links to some religious contecsts (as esotherical christian and buddist parables, daoist texts and some of kabbalah schemes) for people who can disconnect the sense from what do they see.

Thank you for checking out please write comments and add to fav's. If you have questions- feel free to ask


