Rebels Advance Their Frontline in Brega, Libya

  • 13 years ago
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Libyan rebels push their front-line against Gaddafi loyalists west of Brega. But both sides are being careful to avoid damaging the region's oil infrastructure.

Gaddafi loyalists try to take back control of the town of Brega, as Libyan rebels advance. Witnesses say the oil terminal town has been bombed by warplanes for a second day on Thursday. Both rebel and government forces are fighting to control a strategically vital Mediterranean coastal road that holds oil industry facilities.

Gaddafi launched the ground and air attack on rebels on Wednesday.

Both rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces were arming and positioning themselves on Thursday for a longer fight and residents and tribes were being armed as well by both sides.

Rebel fighter Faraj Ala Shrash says he wants to fight for freedom in Libya.

[Faraj Ala Shrash, Libyan Fighter]:
"I've got my will. And I've got my beliefs that we have lost a lot in 42 years. I didn't witness all of those 42 years, but I have witnessed enough to have faith and the belief to fight for something - which is our freedom and our rights in Libya."

Both the Gaddafi regime and rebels have said publicly they will not seek to destroy oil infrastructure.
