Andrew Rasiej: Do Social Media Users Think Differently?

  • 12 years ago
Andrew Rasiej: Do Social Media Users Think Differently?
The Paley Center for Media - Paley Center for Media
We arguably live in a golden age for news media. Technology has enabled unprecedented access to information. Americans are consuming more news than ever from myriad sources. And as the recent uprisings in the Middle East have dramatized so powerfully, social media have not only opened new channels and driven increased consumption, they've enabled consumers to become creators, citizens to become journalists.And yet, amid this great democratic flowering of news and access, there are lingering and disturbing doubts about the vitality of the fourth estate. In today’s competitive digital media environment, are the news media fulfilling their obligation to be responsible mediators of information and public discourse?The Paley Center's Media Council has convened prominent journalists from print, broadcast, and digital media; news executives; public officials; journalism entrepreneurs; and media experts to explore this issue in a constructive dialogue.
