• il y a 14 ans
If you start in Istanbul and head east towards Samsun, Ordu or Trabzon, you are on a voyage into the past. Here is where we begin our quest -- a quest in which time has stood still. It leads us to the archaic melodies of a people who since time immemorial have related stories of the never-ending permutations of love, hate, God and mountains.

The songs and music as we journey from Ordu to Trabzon and then on towards the mountains surrounding Erzurum and Kars are a hidden treasure just waiting to be discovered -- a musical testament to a different present. We traveled the length and breadth of the country, driven by an indefinable longing -- Hasret -- that leads us to the easternmost corner of Turkey.

Marc Sinan

Idea, Concept and Production: Marc Sinan and Markus Rindt
Music: Marc Sinan
Dresdner Sinfoniker
Music Setup and Musical Direction: Andrea Molino
Camera: Hans-Peter Eckhardt, Markus Rindt, Filip Zorzor
Video: Fabian Knecht, Filip Zorzor, Lonni Wong


