Google in 60 seconds | The only HONEST review!

  • 13 years ago Check out the link above for my video review for google in 60 seconds. So i heard there is a new product on the market called Google in 60 seconds and there is a lot of buzz around this product that its going to be the next big thing, it has also come to my attention that because of this all affiliates will feel they can make a lot of money promoting Google in 60 seconds, as a result you will have every affiliate left, right and center telling you this is a great product and you should by it! That's the sole reason i put this review site together, i want to break this tradition and bring you an honest review of this product, i couldn't care less if you purchased or not, i just want to be able to bring you a helpful insight into this product so you can make the decision as to whether this product is for you or not. This product will be launching on March 29th, please bookmark this page and return on launch day to watch my full video review for this product. Check out the link above for my video review for google in 60 seconds. Speak soon
