• 14 years ago
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The city of Lyon in east-central France is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, because of its historical and architectural landmarks. It was a fitting venue over the weekend for Shen Yun's classical Chinese dance and music.

[Renaud Daussy, Airforce Official]:
"Always so wonderful. It's a show full of harmony, full of grace, with little touch of humour. I believe that one day 'bills will be paid' and justice will be respected."

[Raphaelle Bulle, Project manager, IT Sector]:
"I am filled with wonder. I'll come back next year and I'll bring many friends, because it's fantastic, very colorful, very delightful. My feelings after having seen the show, it's very, very dynamic and we have really many hopes, it's superb."

[Béatrice Martini, Professor at University of Lyon]:
"I was really surprised by the professional quality. I found that the show was perfect, very graceful and full of warmth."

[Ismaël Armandola-Duran, Tenor]:
"We like the show very much, at an instrumental level, all of western instrumental and eastern instrumental were mixed very, very well. There is a beautiful artistic performance and also choreography. It's wonderful, magnificent."

NTD News, Lyon, France


