Chuggington Traintastic Cargo Game from I Can Do That! Games

  • 13 years ago
In the Chuggington Traintastic Cargo Game, players must collect cargo to fill up their cargo trains. Players first select a character and a card which shows them the shapes, numbers or colors of cargo they must collect. The game board, which is cleverly built into the box, features eight boxcars under which players may find the cargo they need. When the spinner lands on Old Puffer Pete, players move the train (by rotating the game board one or two places), which changes what's under each box car. Play continues until the first player has collected all the cargo he or she needs. The game comes with four character playing pieces; 30 Vee cards, named after the Chuggington character, that show kids what cargo they need; 32 cargo pieces; and a spinning game board.
