Ellie Mae's Encompass360

  • 13 years ago
Ellie Mae provides enterprise mortgage origination technology solutions for mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, community banks, credit unions and other mortgage lenders. More than just an LOS, Ellie Mae's Encompass360 provides mortgage lenders with a system to manage origination through fulfillment and everything in between, including electronic document management, borrower websites, automated compliance checks, RESPA management tools, closing documents, an integrated network of investors and third-party service providers and more. Encompass360 is available as a premise-based or hosted solution. Encompass360 is used by one-third of US mortgage lenders, making Ellie Mae the market share leader in enterprise technology solutions for this group (According to a 2010 Access Mortgage Research study of mortgage lenders, the share of respondents for mortgage originations used to underwrite, close and fund loans was: Encompass®: 35.1%, Calyx® Point®: 24.7%, DataTrac: 8.4%.).

Skyline Financial mortgage bank chose Ellie Mae and Encompass360 because they say Ellie Mae is the leading provider of technology in the mortgage banking sector and the most efficient provider of technology today. Changes in compliance have a huge effect on the mortgage banking process and with Skyline's ability to use Encompass360 to control and program testing throughout the workflow of the loan, they can help protect themselves from risk. To succeed in mortgage banking today, you need best-of-breed technology and that's why Skyline chose Encompass360. By leveraging technology, infrastructure and capital, Skyline can build a strong business that's effective and efficient. All loans go through an identical process and if the process is pristine and you follow that, you'll get a quality loan.