Thursday, February 3rd | 7:30pm | Discussion | French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) - Le Skyroom
With: Reif Larsen, Michel Lussault, Peter Turchi, Philippe Vasset
Hosted by: Albert Mobilio
Co-presented with French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) and Bookforum as part of Write About Now
How are stories like maps, and maps like stories? How do we understand and talk about place? These are some of the questions the panelists will consider from the vantages of literature, psychology, and social science. Reif Larsen’s novel The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet features a narrator whose obsession with maps guides his journey across the country. Peter Turchi’s book Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer considers the very act of writing as a geographic exploration. In the literary narrative Un Livre blanc. Récit avec cartes (“A White Book. A writing with maps”), Philippe Vasset explores city surburbs that are represented as blanks on maps. And geographer Michel Lussault has written several books revealing how space—in the same way as politics and economics—shapes social organizations.
Booking: 800 982 27 87
Tickets: Students and FIAF Members $10 - Non Members $15 Booking
22 East 60th St (btwn Park & Madison Aves), New York
With: Reif Larsen, Michel Lussault, Peter Turchi, Philippe Vasset
Hosted by: Albert Mobilio
Co-presented with French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) and Bookforum as part of Write About Now
How are stories like maps, and maps like stories? How do we understand and talk about place? These are some of the questions the panelists will consider from the vantages of literature, psychology, and social science. Reif Larsen’s novel The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet features a narrator whose obsession with maps guides his journey across the country. Peter Turchi’s book Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer considers the very act of writing as a geographic exploration. In the literary narrative Un Livre blanc. Récit avec cartes (“A White Book. A writing with maps”), Philippe Vasset explores city surburbs that are represented as blanks on maps. And geographer Michel Lussault has written several books revealing how space—in the same way as politics and economics—shapes social organizations.
Booking: 800 982 27 87
Tickets: Students and FIAF Members $10 - Non Members $15 Booking
22 East 60th St (btwn Park & Madison Aves), New York
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