There's Something About Josie -- Episode Three -- Part Three

  • 13 years ago
As Josie and her mom read the OK magazine split interview, Josie's cheerfulness from earlier in the morning is replaced with bitterness over John James' leaving. It's not helped by her mother, no fan of John James, who tells her that Mr. Right wouldn't just walk away when the going gets bad (let me just point out since we didn't get to see John James and his mother that Mrs. Right wouldn't tell Mr. Right to leave either). After being shown a photo of John James that Josie's defaced, we're then show footage of Josie doing the press junket for There's Something About Josie. Josie's press interviews focus a great deal on John James and the status of their relationship, which Josie confirms is over. In an attempt to get over John James, Josie gets a new haircut and performs another photoshoot.
