Chanson Water USA - A 30 Year Old Manufacturer, Dedicated To Your Health

  • 13 years ago
This is Chapter 8 of 8 in the Chanson Water USA 2011 video release.

In it, Ronnie explains the Chanson differences, and tells why he chose to represent Chanson as his water ionizer company.

Chanson is a 30 year old manufacturer from Taiwan, with an ISO 9001 certification, and is a dedicated "Water Health" company, with a focus on health.

Dr. Robert O. Young, author of the pH Miracle, and Dr. Jonathan Dashiff of the Linchitz Medical Wellness Center share the many reasons why they chose the Chanson water ionizer.

At the end is a list of studies that prove the effectiveness of reduced water (alkaline and acid waters) in real life situations.
