Chinese Toddler Can Recognize Phone Numbers by Sound

  • 13 years ago
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And in Shandong province, a remarkable two-year-old amazes family and neighbors with a special gift for numbers—hearing them, that is. Here's more.

A toddler in China's Shandong Province has a special gift. Two-year-old Sun Haoyang can identify phone numbers just by hearing them dialed.

This unusual gift was accidentally discovered one day by his parents.

[Mrs. Ma, Sun Haoyang's Mother]:
"I was going to the office, and my cell phone was missing. So I called my cell phone using the home phone. Surprisingly, he shouted that it was mommy's phone. Then I tested him by dialing the numbers again, and he shouted them out loud. It was so strange that he could distinguish every digit I had dialed."

Matching the keypad tones to digits, Haoyang rarely misses a number. To verify Haoyang's ability, a reporter gave him a test.

[Sun Haoyang]:
"Five, eight, nine. Six, nine, seven. Seven, two, three. Eight, zero, nine."
"One, three, six. One, six, three. Two, one."

His grandfather says Haoyang has shown an interest in music and numbers since he was even younger.


