Libyan Rebels Engage Gaddafi Forces near Yafran

  • 13 years ago
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Libyan rebels drive out Gaddafi forces from Yafran in the Western Mountains. The mountain town had been besieged for a month and suffered some of the worst hardship in the conflict.

Libyan rebels entered the mountain town of Yafran on Monday, driving out Muammar Gaddafi's forces in a sign NATO air strikes in the area may be paying off.

Yafran had been besieged by pro-Gaddafi forces for more than a month with food, drinking water and medicines running short.

Yafran, about 60 miles southwest of the Libyan capital, is in the Western Mountains where the local population - most of them belonging to the Berber ethnic minority - have joined the uprising against Gaddafi.

One rebel fighter spoke out as he prepared to assault Gaddafi forces.

[Mokhtar, Rebel Fighter]:
The rebels are preparing for an ambush. Gaddafi forces are moving forward from the north side and heading toward Bir Ayad, which was controlled by the rebels in the last days."

The rebels control the east of Libya, the western city of Misrata and the range of mountains near the border with Tunisia.

Their attempts to advance on the capital have been blocked by Gaddafi's better-equipped forces.

It was unclear if Gaddafi forces remained in the south of Yafran.

British warplanes destroyed two tanks and two armored personnel carriers on June 2 in Yafran.

Towns along the length of the mountain range have come under attack by pro-Gaddafi forces.

Residents who fled said Yafran had suffered some of the worst hardship.


