
  • 13 years ago is a false ministry on the internet that is spreading forth lies, false doctrines and false prophecies. This fake Ministry, which is nothing more than a cult, is headed by a false Prophet called "Timothy" who claims to receive Prophecies from God, and he has a gathering of duped and mislead followers that he is leading astray.

This man has falsely prophesied that there is no Hell, no Lake of Fire or Eternal Damnation; that he would become a "god" and that God would share Himself in him like no man before (including YAHUSHUA/Jesus Christ, the Saviour). By doing this he also exalts himself above all the Prophets of the Old Testament and proves he is completely puffed up in pride, and the Bible says "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall". (Proverbs 16:18)

If you know what the Bible says, it will be very obvious for you to see that all this is unbiblical nonesense and that Timothy is a false prophet and a fraud.
