Post-Laden: US to Restrict Aid to Pakistan

  • 13 years ago
London, June 27: The United States has provided massive amounts of aid to Pakistan.After 9/11, the U.S. gave Doller 13.3 billion in security-related aid and Doller 6 billion for economic assistance to Pakistan for the period 2002-10.For fiscal 2011-12, the Obama administration has requested for Doller 3 billion in foreign aid for Pakistan, and an additional Doller 2.3 billion to help the country's counter-terrorism efforts But how effective will this fresh aid be. Pakistan's failure in exposing Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad, right near the Pakistani military academy, has irked the U.S. administration. U.S. lawmakers have been raising questions about whether the United States should provide Pakistan with billions in foreign aid.
