severe sinus infection - sinus home remedies

  • hace 13 años - severe sinus infection - sinus home remedies

Read What A Chronic Sinusitis Sufferers
Wants To Share That You Always Wanted

Then my real torture began.

My superiors were angry with me.

They lost no time in throwing insults
at me.

To describe it in one word, I’d plainly
call itHELL.

“What is wrong with me?”I asked myself
over and over again.

“Why me? Will I be able to put an end
to all this mess, or . . . will it go
on like this all through my life?”

Well, there were many changes . . . and
believe me, the changes were too bad,
sudden and drastic.

Sinusitis brought hellish differences to
my life’s normal routine.

I was encountering pains I had never ever
felt before.

I tried what I could. Every piece of advice,
every medicine, everything...

But it seemed everything was working against
my wishes.

Sinusitis alone ruled my body.
