London Hit by Worst Riots in Years

  • 13 years ago
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A night of rioting leaves a north London neighborhood devastated. The unrest in Tottenham was sparked by a fatal shooting of a local man by police.

London picked itself up on Sunday from some of the worst violence seen in the British capital for years.

Politicians and police blamed criminal thugs but residents attributed it to local tensions and anger over rising financial hardship.

Rioters throwing petrol bombs rampaged overnight through an economically deprived district, setting police patrol cars, buildings and a double-decker bus on fire.

The air around the Tottenham High Road, site of the riots, was still thick with smoke on Sunday and people covered their mouths as they passed through side-streets.

Firefighters continued to hose down smoldering buildings and broken glass carpeted the road strewn with debris.

Wreckages of torched vehicles stood in the middle of the road.

Police said 26 officers were injured as rioters bombarded them with missiles and bottles.

The trouble broke out on Saturday night following a peaceful demonstration over the shooting of Mark Duggan, 29, who was killed after an exchange of gunfire with police on Thursday.

Duggan's death is now being investigated by the independent police watchdog.

The riots also come amid deepening gloom in Britain, with the economy struggling to grow amid deep public spending cuts and tax rises.

Some put the trouble down to a toxic mix of factors.

[John, Local Resident]:
"I believe it is a combination of many things. It is a combination of anger bubbling over from the events that took place on Thursday when this young man with a family was basically gunned down by police, in combination with the fact that there were a number of people from outside of the community who were intent on causing trouble and disruption...


