• il y a 19 ans
Jeudi-Noir.org Bulle N°1

Le collectif JEUDI-NOIR est un mouvement activiste pour une régulation du marché de l'immobilier et un accès non discriminant des jeunes au logement décent (et abordable !!!)

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.JEUDI NOIR (Black Thursday) is a french organization which decided to mix the problem of appartments renting in Paris with a fun spirit in the way of denoucing this situation.As soon as an owner put a renting anounce the members of Jeudi Noir get into the place by surprise shouting, dancing and drinking champain.Many french medias actually already talked of this original way to point out the difficuties for young french people and others to find a place to live in the capital.Prizes raised so much the last four years
that Paris becomes slowly a huge museum emptied from its most vivid flows and energies.
Watch Zerotv, the channel will diffuse soon more of this happy fight giving to the citizens the oppotunity to
to smash the fatality of mondialisation.Let's dream but sometines dream become reality.Soyons raisonnables, exigeons l'impossible!

