Les zéolithes, découvertes en 1756 par un minéralogiste suédois, sont des roches capables de séparer les molécules en fonction de leurs tailles. La ligne de lumière SWING se révèle très adaptée pour assurer le suivi des mécanismes de croissance et de cristallisation de ces nanomatériaux.
Zeolites, which were discovered in 1756 by a Swedish mineralogist, are rocks capable of separating molecules according to their size. The SWING beamline is proving well suited for monitoring the growth mechanisms and crystallisation of these nanomaterials.
Zeolites, which were discovered in 1756 by a Swedish mineralogist, are rocks capable of separating molecules according to their size. The SWING beamline is proving well suited for monitoring the growth mechanisms and crystallisation of these nanomaterials.