• 14 years ago
Chordpal listens through the Built-in Mic on your device and by analyzing what notes you are playing (on Guitar, Piano etc.) it will tell you what chord you are playing.

This is a revolutionary way of approaching, learning and understanding Chord Theory.
Through experimentation and practice, the world of chords can be unlocked.

With over 65 different chord types offering over 6000 different voicings (and more being continuously added), this is the definitive chord resource for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.


Use the built-in chromatic tuner to help tune your instrument if needed.

Play a chord one note at a time.

(Note: Although Chordpal will work in moderately noisy environments, for optimum results, please try to use Chordpal in as quiet an environment as possible).

Only progress to the next note once the current note has been recognized.

iPod Touch Users: make sure the head-set/mic is attached to use this app.
