John Adams Puts His Confidence in Biblical Faith as Reason to Hope of Victory

  • 13 years ago
Wallbuilders' David Barton speaks of the amazing faith of America’s founding fathers by way of tales from the life of Benjamin Rush. Benjamin Rush and John Adams were palsand each signers of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Rush became conscerned for the duration of the Revolutionary War on account of all the battles had been going wrong. He enquired of John Adams if John believed that there was any way that America could overcome Englan. Adams stated that if Americans would fear the Lord and repent of their sins that they would surely win. John Adams ultimatelybecame President. He ultimately lost to Jefferson. John Adams and Jefferson turn out to be enemies. Benjamin Rush was close to them, and labored to see them restore their friendship. In a letter, Bendescribed a dream where Adams and Thomas became pals when and as critical men. Rush also told him that they would die on exactly the same day
