September 11 The World Trade Center Ground Zero

  • il y a 13 ans
This is a video I shot on September 11 2001, when the smoke from the World Trade Center attack was hanging over our neighborhood.

Two days later all the bridges were still off limits, so I took a ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan. It was pretty eerie to see the skyline without the twin towers.

In Manhattan I walked from Battery Park through the Wall Street Area up to the World Trade Center. A lot of the dirt had already been cleaned up, but there were still mountains of dust and papers everywhere. A lot of people were wearing facial masks.

There were reporters everywhere, interviewing anyone who was willing to talk to them. Back then I still had a press pass, so I was able to get past the guards who blocked off the actual Ground Zero area. I took some video footage from the Ground Zero press center.

It was pretty amazing to see hundreds of reporters from all over the world standing in front of the smoking debree.


