Italian court frees Knox

  • 13 years ago
Appearing tired and overwhelmed, Amanda Knox breaks into tears as a judge announces the verdict in her appeal case late Monday night.
"The court declares both not guilty of all the charges, because they haven't committed the crime. The court withdraws the accusations of all charges."
The Italian court clears 24-year-old Knox and her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito of murdering British student Meredith Kercher in 2007.
Knox and Sollecito had appealed a 2009 conviction - finding them guilty of murdering the 21-year-old British student in what prosecutors said was a drug-fuelled sexual assault.
The court overturned the conviction - after independent forensic investigators criticized police scientific evidence - saying it was unreliable.
Looking on the verge of collapse, Knox - who had been serving a 26-year jail sentence - was lead by police officers from the Perugia courthouse.
Outside the courthouse, her attorney Carlo Della Vedova hailed the verdict.
SOUNDBITE: Amanda Knox's Defense Lawyer Carlo Della Vedova
"The appeal was fully grounded on the fact that there were several mistakes and we are very happy that the court has accepted our position. Amanda is extremely satisfied and she is looking to having a future back home, she is looking to go back as soon as possible."
Back in Seattle - Knox's friends and family watched the verdict on television - cheering and clapping.
While prosecutors are expected to appeal the decision, Knox will most likely not be extradited back to Italy.
Late Monday, she was driven out of prison a free person - and is expected to travel back to the United States shortly.
Sarah Irwin, Reuters.
