I Read Better Now with ChromaGen Lenses

  • 13 years ago
http://www.IReadBetterNow.com - ChromaGen™, lenses are a life changing aid for patients with visual reading disorders associated with Dyslexia, as well as an optical corrective solution for color deficiency commonly known as Color Blindness. ChromaGen™ has FDA clearance and is patented.

Here is how it works: The ChromaGen™ lenses change the wavelength of light going into both your eyes allowing the speed of the information traveling along the your brain's neurological pathways to be balanced.

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms...

Double vision
Words that are blurry or come in and out of focus
Words that move up and down, side-to-side and float on the page
Words that scrunch together or p u l l a p a r t
Words that move or come in-and-out of focus
Spaces in between the lines move
Colorblindness or color deficiency
Poor handwriting

Chromagen™ lenses could be a life changing aid that will work for you.

