Learn about Servlet Response in Developing Servlets ...

  • 13 years ago
http://www.gogotraining.com, 877-546-4446
This video discusses:
• User Input
• Configuration
• RequestDispatcher
• Forward
• Include
• Example
• Lab: Servlet I/O
This video is part of the Developing Servlets Using Eclipse & Tomcat course which introduces you to the development of Java servlets on the Java EE platform. This online Java EE training includes development and deployment using the Eclipse IDE and the Tomcat web server.

Course Prerequisites:
Six months of Java language. Prior experience with Java Servlets, Eclipse, and Tomcat is not required.

Course Objectives:
As a result of taking this online servlet training course, you will be able to:
• Use Eclipse as the integrated development environment
• Build Servlets according to the current servlet specification
• Integrate Servlets into a complete J2EE application
• Deploy a JAVA EE application to Tomcat
http://www.gogotraining.com, 877-546-4446
