Qur'an and Modern Science ( 1 of 2 )


by xicg_1

Is the Qur'an the Word of God? How does the Qur'an approach to science? Is there a conflict between Islam and science? What should Muslim attitude be toward science and technology? This debate proves that the Qur'an could not be authored by man, rather a greater source had to have been the author of the Qur'an. Denis Giron of FreeThoughtMecca.org , is one of the most advent opponent of the Qur'an and Modern Science in the world today, and has done extensive research and debates on this topic. Denis Giron is also a writer for The Secular Web on Infidels.org, and has co-authored books with Ibn Warraq. On Tuesday, September 9th, 2003, Muslim apologist Nadir Ahmed and Denis Giron engaged in a debate ( on Paltalk ) on the topic of whether or not scientific statements in the Qur'an served as sufficient evidence for proving that the text was of a divine origin. The Topic of Debate: Qur'an and Modern Science Nadir Ahmed (www.Examinethetruth.com) vs. Denis Giron (www.FreeThoughtMecca.org) For further information on upcoming or previous debates click here http://examinethetruth.com/WhatsNew.html ;