• 13 years ago
Newspaper link: http://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/stence-koji-su-baceni-rijeku-spasila-je-baka-ruza-clanak-186868 The translation as it goes: GRANDMA RUZA: PUPPIES THROWN IN THE RIVER ARE ALIVE! THEY ARE WITH ME BUT NOBODY WANTS THEM NOW! Drama that's been filling the world media with the tape showing how a Bosnian girl throws puppies in the river, has gotten a happy ending - the puppies are alive! Retired granny, a 75 yearold was suprised when she heard that the puppies who were thrown in the river, had became world news - more so when she found out that the girl who threw them is her neibourgh. Ruza was in the garden with her brother, when she heard some kind screaming but she didn't know where it was coming from. When she got closer and looked behind the trees, she saw 5 black puppies as they were trying to swim out of the river. My brother didn't want to even hear of them so I took a wooden box and brought them my home. There they are in my house alive and healthy! Whoever wants them, they can get them cause my problem is that they drink around 3 liters of expensive milk a day while I'm living out of a small pension. In ten days I have spent around 50KM (cca. $40) and I have no idea what to do with them. I didn't have the heart to return them where they came from, There was a lot of publicity and now no one wants them, Says the granny. Following is the story about the girl and her mother who says that she is really sorry about the incident. She is happy that the puppies are alive and even gave some milk for them to Ruza. Parents have sent the girl for psychiatrycal treatment. 
