Tony Horton's P90X 90 Day Yoga 12 DVD Exercise Program.

  • 13 years ago - Tony Horton's P90X 90 Day Yoga 12 DVD Exercise Program.

In case you are somebody who has sampled personal training plans in the past and failed, it's possible that P90X: Tony Horton's 90-Day Extreme Home Fitness Workout DVD Program might be the solution you are hoping to find. Created by fitness professional Tony Horton, it's really a total combination of workouts on DVD's that is definite to shape up your entire body and make your body sculpted in a matter of 90 days.

The workout plan uses a concept known as 'muscle confusion' and this accelerates the development of the muscles and positively forces the human body to lose fat and add muscle at the same time. Since you are targeting various muscles, your body merely has to work really hard to keep up with your present workouts; this is precisely what triggers the more rapid procedure of lean muscle improvement.
