RC Cornet (Basiscornet) for mucous clearance and airway stabilization

  • vor 13 Jahren
further information: www.cegla.de

Clinical success has led specialists to work with the RC-Cornet® (basic cornet) in order to treat pulmonary diseases like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, smokers cough, asthma and others.

Positive pressure fluctuations (that can be regulated by adjusting the mouthpiece) expand the airways and loosen bronchial mucous. The vibrations also liquefy the mucous and thus ease its removal. If used regularly, lung function and blood gases are improved and the need of antibiotics as well as hospitalization is reduced.
Please have a look at the information video that explains the physiotherapeutic use of the RC-Cornet
