How To Pay Less For Fitbit Wireless Personal Trainer

  • 12 years ago -

How To Pay Less For Fitbit Wireless Personal Trainer

I love my fitbit, but don't buy one! As of October 2011, this model is being replaced by a new model, the Fitbit Ultra, for the same price as the original one.

The Fitbit ultra adds a few features, like an altimeter. But it includes all of the features of the original model, so everything I wrote in my review applies to the new ultra model.

I got my fitbit in early 2010 and have been using it on and off (mostly on) since then. I am very happy with it and highly recommend it. It's an easy and fun way to track your activity levels and estimate calories burned, and it should appeal to fellow gadget lovers.

The device weighs under one-half ounce and clips securely to clothing. I'm paranoid about losing stuff (justifiably so), so I keep mine in a little USB drive holder with a clip.

It has an accelerometer chip, like most smart phones, iphones and other gadgets, which can measure its movement in three dimensions.

At any time during the day, you can push the one little button on the fitbit to display an estimate of calories burned, steps taken, miles walked, and a graphic of a flower that grows more petals as you're more active.
