WELCOME to the ARTcaffe - where ART meets LIFE

  • 13 years ago
Architectural project-Interior design-3d modelling : JOAKIM PAZ
MUSIC : Absolute Relax by GODSinFUN

A project based at the main idea of a MEETING POINT between Art and Life,
presenting in its own organisation of space, 3 different levels of communication-face to face at the BAR-through the ART at the GALLERY and through the distance at the INTERNET CAFFE, which different areas will be covering and ensuring its economical viability and widening its socio-cultural sustainable perspective.
A cooperative model is being planned, and still looking for more creative people, to get involved, from PAINTERS,POETS,to MUSICIANS,ARCHITECTS,PHOTOGRAPHERS...
More details at http://permaculturaportugal.ning.com/group/artcaffecooperativaartistica