Another Tibetan Sets Himself on Fire in China's Sichuan Province

  • 12 years ago
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On Wednesday, another Tibetan set himself on fire in China's southwest Sichuan province.

The UK-based Free Tibet and International Campaign for Tibet advocacy groups said the 19-year-old former monk from the local Kirti monastery was hospitalized after the incident.

US-funded Radio Free Asia reported that the man shouted slogans before lighting himself on fire. Chinese armed forces took him away.

The latest incident brings the total number of self-immolations to 17 since March last year.

The Associated Press stated that last Friday's three self-immolation cases could not be confirmed, because the exiled Tibetan community could not verify the incidents, and the Chinese regime denied them.

Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile Lobsang Sangay expressed his concern over the growing self-immolation cases.

Meanwhile, Tibetans-in-exile and their supporters participated in the global solidarity vigil for Tibet. Many took to the streets in different parts of India to rally against the Chinese regime's oppressive rule.


