• 5 years ago
BALCONYTV.COM 15/11/2007
Music for me started from an early age with a big influence from my parents who had a tradation of music coming from both sides of the family. Both my grandfathers were involved in different circles of music locally one being involved in operas and the other is now 50yrs in a local brass band. My own real passion for music started when I was at a party in my early teens, some older friends of mine (now best mates) were having a jam, I suppose that night changed my life. I always knew I could sing but never had the balls to do it. A short time after I bought my first guitar and strummed my first few chords!!! Since then I haven't looked back. Music and especially songwriting has effected me in so many ways, helping me through tough times and making the great days better! Since those early days it has opened so many doors for me and I have met so many interesting people, it's given me the chance to express my thoughts and feelings through songs. Presently I play in a four piece cover band (The Outsiders) but ultimetly I suppose my main aim would be to have my own songs heard and enjoy some success from it.


Tune in again tomorrow!!!

