• 5 years ago
Presented by Caitlin

Sisters Gray

One slightly crazed, neurotic female musician surging with angst and inspiration is often enough for a band to have material for decades. Sister Gray has two...and they are sisters, for better or worse. Jenesse and Brittany Graling have been in the business since they were kids. Growing up in the small town of Millet, Alberta, the sisters spent their days performing in ridiculous costumes, writing songs about best friends and candy shops, and playing whatever instruments they could get their hands on. After attending Grant MacEwan College's music program, a lot has changed. They still wear the costumes, but their lyrical content has thankfully grown-up a bit. In 2007, after several train-wreck relationships and character building moments, Jenesse and Brittany began writing as a form of self therapy. The early twenties are an exhilarating, painful, and crazy time. Sister Gray was the organic evolution of their shared experiences both good and bad. Thankfully the girls were surrounded by great friends, who also happened to be talented musicians. After a few band combinations, Sister Gray was finally complete with Kurtis Schultz on drums, Ajay Paterson on bass, and Mike Morrisseau on guitar. Together they began jamming and writing like crazy; creating song after song from the scribbled note books and post-its the girls had collected over the past year. Sister Gray's debut EP Close the Night is an honest expression of the band as a whole. Close the Night is self-released, and with the help of talented producer/engineer Stew Kirkwood from Sound Extractor Studios, their vision came to life. The sisters poured their blood, sweat and many tears into their lyrics and melodies of every song. The themes range from heartache, rebellion, infidelity and are uncensored, self-reflective and sometimes self-critical. The boys in the band also poured their talents into the EP: Kurtis bringing a strong direction and drive with his beats, Ajay laying down his great melodic ideas and Mike adding the ballsy guitar that every rock band needs. The result is an album that is gutsy and brutally honest. Sister Gray takes the chaos that is life and makes music from it.

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