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BALCONYTV.COM 28/03/2007
Ronan & Conor have been best buds for quite a while now, brought together by their love of music and ice cream, (ben & jerry are the only two guys in our lives). in 2001 the October Manifesto was formed, rising to sucess being nominated as the best band in Cobh, inialating its compition such as Frozen Chew and The Falling Icons, this sucess was followed by a 3 year tour of cobh, playing such venues as the Well house and the Commadore Hotel. The duet, after using up every bass player on the island, took a bit of a break, Conor heading to west cork, a career move and Ronan to Dublin to doss about in college, Still having the odd jam back in Cobh, Ronan joined the Roaring 40's jazz band as their drummer for a few months. Reuniting in west cork for a 3 month holiday, involving sun, sea and sex. Some of our best songs were written in those few months. including 'you looked to be' & 'plumbers daughter'. Conor & Ronan moved to Dublin, Conor as another career move, Ronan, for another year of chilling out in college. (Bio will continue when iv got more time and inspration.


