• 5 years ago
http://www.balconytv.ie 16/10/2008
Aaron James is a songwriter of incredible integrity and heart. His self-financed debut album entitled Distance Between is an introspective reflection on Aarons past few years as he travelled, lived, loved and lost. Arranged by Aaron himself and produced with notable Irish studio owner Ciaran Byrne, the range of songs moves from the rousing rock tunes like lead single Carry Me Through to the stand out lilting modern ballad Heartfelt Message.

Distance Between features contributions from an array of Irish musical talent including Bill Shanley, Liam Bradley, Gavin Murphy, James Blenner Hasset & Maire Breathnach on strings. Singles Comfort Me and Heartfelt Message have been warmly received by Irish media and press alike and prompted a number of live support invitations for Aaron from the likes of profile artists such as Aslan & Suddyn amongst others.


Check out:

BalconyTV London - http://www.balconytv.co.uk
BalconyTV Hamburg - http://www.balconytv.de

Tune in again tomorrow!!!