• 13 years ago
On February 29, 2012 the Europe tour of the Dutch progressive metallers TEXTURES will start.
Together with their label-colleagues and modern thrash metal outfit SYLOSIS they will set out for Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland and the Netherlands.

29.02. D Köln - Luxor
01.03. CH Aarau - Kiff
02.03. I Romagnano Sesia - R’n’R Arena
03.03. CH Amalgame - Yverdon
04.03. D Wiesbaden - Schlachthof
05.03. A Wien - Chelsea
07.03. PL Krakau - Kwadrat
08.03. PL Warschau - Progresja Club
09.03. D Berlin - Magnet
10.03. D Bochum - Matrix
11.03. NL Tilburg - O13


