• 6 years ago
Presented by Caitlin

The Most Blessed Man

I have struggled over the years to settle upon a name that suited where my heart, passion, and goals were with music.

I had written a song called "the most blessed man," that was written as a humble letter to God saying, that though i am a sinner, and do not deserve what i have been given, i have still been blessed very much.

During the time i was deciding on a new name, it was a friend of mine who reminded me of that song, and how much it means to me. He then proposed that it may become my new name. Since the song has such a deep meaning to me, it felt right to call myself "The Most Blessed Man,"

After hearing, reading, and a watching the stories of the children and their families in such places as, Uganda, and the Congo being kidnapped, raped, forced to kill one another, and even more disturbing things by the rebel armies, my heart was broken and i then decided to come out of my hiding place. So instead of hiding behind the many blessings that i have been given, it is my to duty: To bless others, because i have been blessed.


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