Syria Egypt Libya Tunisia CERIS George Joffe Geopolitics Arab Spring Maghreb Middle East

  • il y a 12 ans
Ceris Interview George Joffe : Maghreb & Middle East: Geopolitics Issues ?

Professor George Joffe is among the leading analysts of Islamic studies. He is Research Fellow at the Centre for International Studies at Cambridge University, as well as a lecturer in International relations at the Center M. Phill. He specializes in Palestinian issues and on political developments in Algeria and Morocco, and he’s most recent research focuses on the subject of the connections between migrant communities and trans/national violence in Europe. He is the Director of Studies at the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London and a visiting professor at Kings College, London University. He was previously the deputy-director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. M. Joffe is also the author of several books among which: Jordan in transition (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), The Politics of Governing: a comparative introduction (co-author, CQ Press, 2006)


