Insanity Leg Workout Elastic Star Squats Resistance ...

  • 12 years ago
Insanity Leg Workout Elastic Star Squats Resistance Band Workout is a little extreme however can also be done with a TRX. This challenging workout is the last segment of ConikiXXX Week 4 Lower Body. I had a lot of trouble doing this one however sometimes you’ve just got to do the best you can with what you’ve got.
For your info, the XXX in ConikiXXX stands for Wildly exciting straight edge lifestyle whilst refraining from drinking, smoking, and drugs. Watch out, it's infectious. Totally TRANSFORM at home with ConikiXXX - The Home Workout Phenomenon for FREE. THE ELASTIC ONE LEG SQUAT has been selected as a Official ConikiXXX Approved Body Transforming Exercise ! Be the BEST you can be and do our home workouts with Niki & Con.
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