Amazing Deal Review - Garmin Approach S1W GPS Golf Watch

  • 12 years ago -

Amazing Deal Review - Garmin Approach S1W GPS Golf Watch

I love this product. I've had the Skycaddie and the Garmin larger units and
I didn't realize how much of a pleasure it would be not to have to go around
to the side of the cart to look at the yardage. Also, the readout on the watch
is a lot easier to see than the screens of the larger units. The guy
complaining about the differences in yardage must be a very accurate golfer.
For me, a few yards difference is not going to matter. Although I question
whether sprinkler heads are that accurate. I have checked the SR watch
against the hand held and usually they are the same or within a yard or two.

The downside is you don't get the detail eg, distances to hazards or
specific spots on the course that you can get with the
handheld Garmin. Another negative is that the other guys in
my foursome are always criticizing me for checking my watch
for the time.
