• 13 years ago
Zoop review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Zoop from Hookstone and Viacom New Media for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Zoop was released for eight different platforms, so no matter what your preference, there was a Zoop for you. The concept is kind of hard to describe, but the basic idea is that you're controlling a triangle shaped ship...thing. Meanwhile, colored shapes approach you from the edges. Your objective is to zap (or zoop) them before they reach your square. Zoop is built from a pretty ingenious concept, but there's also a problem. The minute your game requires a complicated description to explain, you're going to lose people. Unlike those classic puzzlers that are both simple in concept and complex in practice, Zoop is a good game, but it's almost too smart for its own good. This video review features video gameplay footage of Zoop for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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