"The Harbinger" Jonathan Cahn interview (911~The End of America!?)

  • 12 years ago
911~The End of America? Messianic Rabbi Jonathon Cain is interviewed about his teaching "The Harbinger". Mr. Cain has great insight from scripture. One cannot deny the significance of the passages he shares in relation to ground zero & America as a whole. The full teaching is in an audio series shared in this playlist.....

Prophecy 2012~Chuck Missler/Joel Rosenberg/Jonathan Cahn (on CBY)


A message everyone should take
time to hear.....

Base text: "The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars."~ Isaiah 9:10

Disclaimer: In no way I'm I endorsing the 700 club. While we all have varied opinions about Pat Robertson, this interview is shared because of the vital information contained within.
